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Gong Fu Self-Serve Reservation

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Please Note: Reserving a self-serve table means you know how to brew gong fu style already and just need a table to relax and heal. Your table will have all the tools needed so you and your party can enjoy the serene environment and peacefulness that accompanies great tea.

If you were looking to book an experience at one of our featured gong fu tea tables, please go to "Book A Gong Fu Tea Experience".

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We have self-serve gong fu tea tables available for you to use. If you want to guarantee a table you can reserve it here. If you wish to see what the universe has in store, you can just come on in. 

The jade & wood tables are primarily for booked experiences served by our staff. Our large world class gong fu tea tables are dedicated to our tea experience. You can book a tea experience with with one of our tea masters here. If you wish to serve a group at one of these tables please contact us.

Request a reservation

Select your details and we’ll try to get the best seats for you.


1385A English Street

Atlanta, GA, 30318


Tea House Hours

Mon-Fri: 1PM - 8PM

Sat & Sun: 10AM - 8PM

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